5 Key Causes of Post Concussion Syndrome




5 Key Causes of Post Concussion Syndrome

These are the things we look for and assess when dealing with patients who are in Post concussion syndrome. Some patients may have an issue with one or more of these components and catering specific recovery program towards each individual’s concern is important


Neck/Cervical:  The first main area that needs to be assessed and most likely contributing to symptoms is the head and neck. The force that is required to cause a concussion is much greater than that to cause a neck injury. Therefore, every concussion has some form of neck trauma involved. Making sure you’re getting the right treatments for your neck and rehab for that area will reduce a lot of the symptoms. Cranial therapy is also a very affective way to reduce pressure and headache symptoms.

Visual/Vestibular: Issues with the eye tracking and balance is another big component we see when it comes to PCS. Patients who are having trouble focusing on screens, getting dizzy, feeling off balance, having visual fatigue, light sensitivity etc. Need to have their eyes addressed. After finding dysfunctions in these areas – we can tailor specific rehab for balance and eye tracking. If needed, a referral to an optometrist may be required to rule out any other visual dysfunction.


Physiological:  Blood flow is another important part of recovery but can be troublesome at times for some patients to get exercising. Even in the early stages of recovery it is recommended to start at least 20 mins of walking daily.  If exercise is increasing symptoms, then a treadmill cardio test is performed at a walking pace with a gradual increase in incline to slowly bring your heart rate up.  This is done to find the heart level where symptoms start increasing. Once this is determined, an exercise/cardio program can be designed with that in mind and re tested as needed.

Inflammatory: Reducing inflammation within the body is also important for recovery. Being put on an anti-inflammatory diet with reduction in sugars, increase in omega 3s, and cleaner eating habits will make a big difference. Other supplements and nutritional advice may be needed as well. 

Psychological: There are many adverse affects having a concussion can have on one’s mental health. PTSD, increase in depression, and increase in anxiety are some issues that can arise or be worsened after a concussion, especially if the concussion has been ongoing for awhile. Getting treatment to help reduce symptoms, appropriate amount of exercise, and good nutrition can help with this but sometimes getting proper assistance from a trained mental health expert is necessary to further manage this and will help with PCS recovery.

If you or anyone you know is dealing with an acute concussion or post concussion syndrome, contact us to start your assessment.

Neck Alignment




Alignment, Posture, and Neck Pain

Good alignment and posture are essential for maintaining a healthy neck. When your neck is aligned properly, the muscles and ligaments are not under as much stress, which can help to prevent pain. Poor posture, on the other hand, can put a strain on the muscles and ligaments, leading to pain, degeneration and other problems.

There are a number of things you can do to improve your alignment and posture, including:

  • Sitting up straight. When you sit, make sure your back is straight and your shoulders are back. Avoid slouching or leaning forward.
  • Using a supportive pillow. A supportive pillow can help to keep your neck in alignment while you sleep. Find the right pillow for side or back sleeping.
  • Taking breaks. If you spend a lot of time sitting or looking at a computer, take breaks every 20-30 minutes to stand up and move around. Stretching and movement is key to keep your joints from degenerating.
  • Strengthening your neck muscles. There are a number of exercises you can do to strengthen your neck muscles. These exercises can help to improve your posture and reduce your risk of pain.

If you are experiencing neck pain, there are a number of things you can do to relieve the pain, including:

  • Resting your neck. Avoid activities that aggravate your neck pain.
  • Applying heat or ice. Heat or ice can help to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Seeing a Chiropractor/Massage Therapist/Acupuncturist. If your neck pain is worsening or does not improve with home treatment, see a physical therapist that can identify the problem and help you work towards correcting it.

By following these tips, you can improve your alignment and posture, reduce your risk of neck pain, and relieve pain if it does occur.

Here are some additional tips for improving your alignment and posture:

  • Be aware of your posture throughout the day. Pay attention to how you are sitting, standing, and walking. Make adjustments as needed to keep your body in alignment.
  • Use a mirror to check your posture. This can help you to identify areas where you need to make improvements.
  • Set a good example for your children. Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. If you want them to have good posture, make sure you model it for them.

By following these tips, you can improve your alignment and posture and reduce your risk of neck pain.

Sitting Posture





Sitting Posture

Tips to get the best sitting posture at your computer:

  1. The 90-degree Rule – Elbows
  2. The 90-degree rule – Hips and Knees
  3. Feet flat on the floor
  4. Sit back in your chair
  5. Lumbar support
  6. Computer screen level
  7. Get moving

Working from home has many benefits but it also comes with some challenges. Here we’re going to look at modifications that can be made to your sitting posture and ergonomics at your home desk to prevent aches/pains, chronic fatigue and enhance productivity through your work week.

The 90-degree rule – Elbows:

  • The 90-degree rule refers to the positioning of your elbows, hips, and knees. Firstly, your elbows need to be set in the best position to prevent you from over activating your shoulder/neck muscles and reducing strain on your wrists.
  • When rolling your shoulders back into a relaxed and optimal position, you should have your arms by your side and the elbows at 90 degrees. From this position you should be able to reach your keyboard comfortably without needing to extend the arms forward or reach up.
  • Adjust the arm rests on your chair to support your elbows and forearm. The main factor to be aware of is that you’re not shrugging your shoulders up which will activate your upper trap muscles and add tension to your neck. Keeping the elbows at the 90-degree level will also help off load the tension in the wrists and prevent carpal tunnel.
  • Adjusting the height of your desk may be necessary to correct this positioning.

The 90-degree rule – Hips and Knees:

  • Make sure the height of your chair is at an appropriate level for you.  If you’re too high up it will feel like you’re being pulled forward which will add strain to your back. If you’re too low then you’ll be forced to the back of your chair causing a slouched posture and shortening/tightening of your hip flexors.

Feet flat on the floor:

  • When sitting for many hours through the work day we tend to shift our weight from side to side, cross our legs, cross one leg over the other, etc.  These habits can eventually become a problem for your hips and back by adding strain to those areas causing extra wear and tear and activation. If the rest of the desk is set up correctly (90o Rule) then chances are your heels may not be touching the ground perfectly. Try finding the correct size box/stool or platform that will allow you to keep your feet flat and steady to create a comfortable base for your body and prevent you from leaning and shifting out of place.

Sit back in your chair:

  • The length of the chair seat should be ideal for your height. If your tall, then sitting all the way back is probably easier for you but make sure the length of the seat is extending from your butt all the way to just before where your knees are to provide the full-length support and not be cut off midway through your thighs. If you’re shorter, then the seat length should also be a bit shorter so that you can sit comfortable at the back rest and not have the chair seat go past the back of your knees.

Lumbar support:

  • The low back has a natural curve to it that can be difficult to maintain when sitting for a long time. We all tend to slouch and round out our low back which is terrible for the spinal joints. If your chair already has good support to help you maintain the lumbar curve then that’s great. If not, try using a small pillow/roll up a small towel to add support to your low back curve and prevent slouching.

Computer screen level:

  • Out of convenience we see a lot of people working all day on their laptops which unfortunately require you to look down at the screen and reach out to get to the keyboard. This posture can lead to neck pain, headaches, and back pain over time and is not recommended for long term use.
  • Try getting an external keyboard and mouse so that you can set your laptop up on a stand so the screen is at the correct level. Then you can place the keyboard and mouse in its ideal position. Getting an external larger monitor would be helpful too if needed.


  • Even with the perfect desk set up, sitting for long hours causes a lot of strain on the joints and muscles in your body. Getting up and moving around throughout the day is important to prevent the muscle strain buildup. Try setting a timer on your phone to remind you to get up and stretch or go get some water.
  • The convenience of working from home also allows for you to have your own space to get up and properly stretch your back or roll out your muscles through the day which will greatly reduce tension through your body and prevent injuries.