
Cold Laser

Cutting Edge Technology

Lasers have long been used in the world of healthcare and were traditionally known as a surgical precision instrument used to pierce through the skin and cauterize wounds. But with the evolution of cold laser technology, patients can experience the benefits of laser treatment without the pain and tissue damage typically associated with traditional laser use. Low-level lasers are designed to operate at a low wavelength and intensity to provide an array of healing benefits. Laser therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation and edema, induce analgesia (pain relief), and promote healing in a range of musculoskeletal pathologies.

How does it work?

When the body has an injury the cells are damaged and fail to function within normal parameters. Low level lasers penetrate deeply into the skin and work by restoring this abnormal cellular function. Physiologic effects include improved metabolism, circulation and tissue healing.

Laser therapy may be useful to you if you have any of the following:

For more information on this therapy go to

Active Rehab/Kinesiology

Active Rehab/Kinesiology

Active  Rehab

ICBC Recovery and Treatment - Active Rehabilitation

Movement and exercise are key components of a comprehensive rehab program, but not all movement is the same! Quality movement is crucial.

Active rehabilitation with a kinesiologist supports individuals suffering from injury or chronic pain through guided exercise. It is a homework-driven intervention used to reintroduce safe functional movement following an accident.

Our goal is to give you the skills to continue moving well and moving often beyond the completion of your treatments.

Our goal is to give you the skills to continue moving well and moving often beyond the completion of your treatments.

What is  involved?



Each individual’s story is unique. We will conduct an assessment, gaining an understanding of your story through subjective history and an objective movement screen in order to identify your strengths, goals, limitations, and imbalances.



Every exercise program is tailored to your needs. Consideration is given to your tolerance for mobility, stability, and strength so safe and mindful progressions can be offered.



Exercise progression is gentle and graded. Movement quality is the priority, and we recognize that progress is often non-linear. We will emphasize the building blocks of good movement and carefully add more challenging variations as your tolerance for exercise evolves

Read More

Functional movement milestones you can expect to master:

Diaphragmatic breathing

Core Bracing

Joint stabilization with bodyweight resistance

Joint stabilization with external load

Dynamic stabilization

Improved work capacity

What we treat

What we treat

According to the Insurance Research Council

Nearly 1/3 of all claimants injured in motor vehicle accidents (MVA’s) seek treatment from doctors of chiropractic. This is an impressive number given that the National Safety Council (NSC) has determined there to be more than 12 million MVA’s annually involving more than 20 million vehicles.
5 Sports injuries

Sports Injuries

6 Auto Injuries

Auto Injuries

10 Stress


11 Headaches


9 Lack of range of motion

neck/back/shoulder/knee etc pain


Trigenics - Neuromuscular Rebalancing

Trigenics Myoneural Medecine is a revolutionary neuromanual assessment and treatment system. It is a safe and non-forceful technique used by our chiropractors which...

Trigenics is different from manual treatments such as traditional chiropractic, massage, and physiotherapy in that Trigenics combines functional neurology with manual medicine. For this reason, Trigenics is referred to as “the missing element” of total-body care.

Results often come in less time and last longer than traditional treatment, as activation of specific neurological reflexes produces dramatic pain-relief and healing. Also, Trigenics is gentle enough of a technique that it can be applied to sensitive areas such as the neck and jaw, and can be used on both elderly patients and infants.

The 3 main components are referred to as the “Trigenics triad”, which consist of

Reflex Neurology

Manipulation Of Nerve Receptors/Sensors

Biofeedback Breathing

To do this, Trigenics treatment system incorporates a gentle synergistic combination of contemporary western and ancient eastern medicine techniques with recent advances in functional neurology.

The 3 techniques of the Trigenics triad are applied simultaneously for a synergistic effect on the nervous system which rests the brain and body communication pathways. With Trigenics your nervous system is treated to reset the way your brain communicates with your body, which includes the muscles and organ systems. Patients are interactive participants in the treatment process rather than passive recipients of care.

Baseline Concussion Testing

Baseline Testing

This is why it is essential for any responsible parent to have a Baseline Test performed on their child before they participate in any sport.

By having your child’s Baseline test done prior to their sport season, practitioners can now accurately determine that your child has made a full and complete recovery based on real data and not “just guessing” and avoid any long term sequelae

Schedule your child’s Baseline Testing today by giving us a call at (604) 988-7080

What Is Baseline Testing And Why Does Your Child Need One?

Concussions are almost a certainty with any sport and immediate attention is necessary. Rest over the first 3-5 days is mandatory, but many end up in a dark room for weeks mainly because they have not consulted with trained Concussion Management health professionals.

In addition, due to the complex nature of concussions, medical complications may still occur even after the patient believes he or she has recovered. For example, many athletes are told to return to their sport based on a lack of symptoms for 2 weeks. In fact, scientific studies suggest that return to normal blood flow in the brain takes much longer! If you sustain another hit at this time, the consequences and return to function take MUCH longer and may have lifelong effects.

Custom Made Orthotics

Custom Made Orthotics

Lack of proper care, ill-fitting shoes and general foot neglect are responsible for the majority of foot problems.

It’s important to understand your feet have direct impact on the rest of your body and support you with each step. A small abnormality in foot function can have a large impact on joints higher up in the body, causing pain and discomfort.

When you are running, the pressure on your feet can be three or four times your body weight. Even walking can produce more pressure than the sum of your body weight. The American Podiatric Medical Association says that the average person takes 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day. That adds up to about 115,000 miles in a lifetime or more than four times the circumference of the globe. That is a lot of walking with ill-fitting shoes or painful feet!

In some cases foot ailments can be an early signal of more serious medical problems like arthritis or diabetes.
Women have four times as many foot problems as men because they have a long history of wearing high heels and/or pointy toe shoes.
Orthotics and proper shoe fit are very important aspects of foot health.

Remember if you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your ankles, knees or hip joints the direct cause may be the function of your feet or ill-fitting shoes.

Click on the link below for more information.

Click on the Button below for information on our new state of the art orthotic technology by Footmaxx.

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Release

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Release

What is it?

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization allows clinicians to efficiently locate and treat soft tissue (muscular/tendons) dysfunctions. It is performed using an ergonomically designed stainless steel tool with specific “edges” to treat almost any part of the body. This instrument detects and treats fascial restrictions, encourages rapid localization and treatment of soft tissue fibrosis, chronic inflammation, and/or degeneration.

How does it work?

The instrument will effectively break down fascial restrictions and scar tissue by inducing controlled micro-trauma that will stimulate the local inflammatory response. This micro-trauma will initiate reabsorption of inappropriate fibrosis or excessive scar tissue and facilitate a cascade of healing activities resulting in remodeling of affected soft tissue structures and therefore reducing muscle tension. The adhesions in the soft tissue may have developed as a result of surgery, immobilization, repeated strain or other mechanisms.

Common Injuries that benefit from IASTM

Visit Dr. Aleem Remtulla today for a consultation and treatment using IASTM.


Nerve Decompression

The Adjuster is a hand-held
instrument that delivers a high-speed

but gentle impulse to improve neurological performance by pulsing at up to 12 cycles per second. It has been shown that the nerves going to muscles, ligaments and tendons are extremely responsive to this frequency. This allows our clinicians to deliver a gentle and specific adjustment to the spine, extremities, and cranium to create rapid relief of muscle and joint dysfunction, resolution of pain and poor movement, and increase proper nerve communication. Using the Adjustor gives our clinicians the ability to work with many different types of patients, such as those that are nervous about traditional chiropractic adjustments, the very acute, and osteoporotic patients to name a few.

Myofascial Percussor

Myofascial Percussor

Injuries to the body along with daily stress

Too much or too little motion, and repetitive exercise can cause Myofascial adhesions and scar tissue. The build up of these adhesions and scar tissue alter the body’s mechanics and are a key contributor to pain and muscle soreness. Fascia is a thin sheet that covers muscles, organs, and the nervous system like saran wrap. It aids in the frictionless motions between such tissue as well as conducts signals between them. When this thin sheet has been disrupted, either by direct trauma (tearing) or adhesions from being over stressed, it can cause pain that may be perceived as trigger points and inhibit proper motion and gliding of the surrounding musculature. These areas on the body are generally quite tender and if left untreated build up scar tissue, which further adds to the problem.

There are multiple soft tissue therapies that chiropractors use to treat these kinds of conditions. One very valuable modality is the Percussor. This instrument works by not only identifying areas of adhesions and scar tissue build up but also by treating those sensitive regions. The Percussor applies a wide range of vibration and pressure by the practioner to smooth out such issues and break up scar tissue to restore the muscle and fascia back to its functional form. With the use of this tool a dramatic increase in range of motion, decrease in pain, decrease in muscle tension and improvement in overall functionality of the entire kinetic chain can be achieved. When the “saran wrap” covering has been freed of its adhesions, important outcomes such as the ability to move better with proper body mechanics and pain relief can be accomplished.

Used in combination with the cold laser, the percussor can work to organize significant scar tissue and can be used to “reorganize” surgical scars and traumas both on the surface of the skin and significantly within the body.

The Percussor

The vibracussor (as it was called then) is an instrument developed in the 1950’s by an American MD osteopath named Robert Fulford. Dr. Fulford found that by applying a rapid vibratory force on the tissues of the human body, an unwinding and releasing effect occurred in the connective tissues including the fascia and its ground substance. This effect was even observed on the cranial bones of the skull and the sacrum at the bottom of the spine.He also noticed that placing the vibracussor on specific areas would cause a reflex release and mobilization of structures such as the organs and glands of the body and of the lymphatic drainage system.
Dr. Linda Drake’s mentor, Dr. John Brimhall took the vibracussor and improved it. He made it more penetrating, more consistent in amplitude and rate of speed, and more comfortable to the patient. He called it the “myofascial percussor”.
Many experience the unwinding effect of the myofascial percussor as it is happening, but sometimes the effect goes unnoticed until the patient experiences a huge increase in range of motion or some other parameter or symptom that seems to have suddenly improved “all by itself”. “Wow, that’s amazing – it feels a lot better” is a common statement.

Today, it is used in our clinic to facilitate the following with profound results:

Cold Laser (Low Level Laser)

Cold Laser

Cutting Edge Technology

Lasers have long been used in the world of healthcare and were traditionally known as a surgical precision instrument used to pierce through the skin and cauterize wounds. But with the evolution of cold laser technology, patients can experience the benefits of laser treatment without the pain and tissue damage typically associated with traditional laser use. Low-level lasers are designed to operate at a low wavelength and intensity to provide an array of healing benefits. Laser therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation and edema, induce analgesia (pain relief), and promote healing in a range of musculoskeletal pathologies.

How does it work?

When the body has an injury the cells are damaged and fail to function within normal parameters. Low level lasers penetrate deeply into the skin and work by restoring this abnormal cellular function. Physiologic effects include improved metabolism, circulation and tissue healing.

Laser therapy may be useful to you if you have any of the following:

For more information on this therapy go to