If you’ve been in a car accident, you are automatically approved for

12 RMT/Massage Visits

First visit free and $86 coverage for subsequent visits

25 Chiro Visits

ICBC will cover $112 of your first visit and $61 of your next 24 treatments

12 Active Rehab visits

First visit free and $84 coverage for subsequent visits

Get the treatment you deserve

If you are injured in a MVA (car/bike/pedestrian) accident, get medical attention as soon as possible. It is important to have your injury diagnosed and create a proper record of symptoms as this is important for future treatment and any insurance or legal claims you may pursue.

In many cases, injuries are obvious with bruising, swelling, joint discomfort
but in some cases, injuries are so similar to concussion symptoms that many go undiagnosed for months and are not treated.

Also, some injuries can take weeks or months to surface and if treated effectively in the first states of recovery, many years of pain could have been avoided. Our treatment program focuses on a multi-disciplinary approach with includes “Root Cause” chiropractic, massage and active rehabilitation. We put the “pieces of the puzzle together” for your recovery.